George Martin

In 2012 I felt very privileged to make a tour around the Abbey Road Studios in London. It was the same room in which one producer (George Martin) and a recently contracted group of musicians (The Beatles) 50 years earlier (in 1962) started out to revolutionize everything that popular music was about. The first recordings ('Love Me Do' and 'P.S. I Love You') might not be clear indicators of what was to come, but in the years afterwards this...

David Bowie (1947 – 2016)

This morning I suddenly noticed on my Twitter timeline that a lot of messages about David Bowie appeared. After a first impression that this might have something to do with the release of his new album Blackstar a few days ago, it soon turned out that the outburst of tweets had a  devastating and sinister character: David Bowie passed away, a few days after his 69th birthday. It was only this past weekend that intensively listened to...